Friday, February 19, 2010

Packing Up Again

I've gotten some requests to renew my blog now that I am off on another international here goes. I'm hoping to have some entertaining expat translation/confusion stories to share over the next few weeks. For now, I'm having enough trouble getting my Visa finalized and packing up my life...not so fun yet but there is the great light of 80 degrees and beaches ahead :)

I'm officially off to Sydney March 2nd (be it visitor Visa or working Visa). After the Night Train slides in Vancouver and the Bachelor has chosen his soon to be streaming American TV in Sydney so I had to plan accordingly!

Keep in touch or just track my progress here if you want...I'll do my best to keep the updates frequent.

P.S. If anyone is interested in renting a FANTASTIC one bedroom apt on the upper east side let me know.