Sunday, January 20, 2008

Back in Ecuador

Well I survived the 6 day trek to the lost city in Colombia with about 100 bug bites and a sinus infection. I was the only one of 10 people who didn´t have stomach problems from the I consider myself very lucky. The trek was pretty much uphill and through rivers the whole time, so very intense and very beautiful and very hot. We slept in hammocks with wool smelly blankets in COLD temperatures every night. A few days relaxing on the beach were very much needed and now I´m back in Quito with Sara, who I very conveniently found in customs. So now we are hanging out in Quito waiting to take a night bus to the coast to spend a couple more days at the beach, per her request even though she doesn´t like to sunbathe and is afraid of fish. Go figure.

Just wanted to let everyone know I survived Colombia pretty much unscathed. It´s great to have Sara here visiting to give me a taste of home. We´ll be heading to Banos to party with my friends here in Ecuador for a few days this week. I think she´s excited to get out of the city tonight after being chased around Quito today by a man saying dirty things :) A very nice welcome I thought..ha.

Happy birthday Dom!!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year!

I can't believe it's January! New Year's here in Ecuador is actually more like the equivalent of Halloween back home except a bit more extreme. Everyone gets dressed up in costumes. There are lots of typical costumes that we would see in the states like goblins and gory stuff but it's also traditional for the men to dress like women..and they go all out! Lots of miniskirts and makeup and wigs. Those who don't get dressed up get pestered for money all day...literally men dressed as women and kids dressed up as goblins block the streets and stop cars for change. They also make dolls of themselves for the Año Viejo (Old Year) and burn them in the streets at midnight...Año Nuevo (New Year)- not quite as romantic as the kissing in the states but definitely interesting. There were also lots of fireworks and then fiesta of course. I dressed up as a vampire and have lots of fun pics that I need to post at some point.

But today I am heading to Colombia for a couple weeks to check out the northern coast. I´m going to the cities of Cartagena, Santa Marta and then hiking to Ciudad Perdida (the lost city). I´m psyched for some new travels although of course I am sick for the first time and am afraid my head may explode on the plane :)

When I get back to Ecuador on January 19th Sara will be here to greet me!! Very excited for a visitor. We´re heading to the beach, then to my fave town of Baños and finally some sightseeing in Quito and around the equator.

I hope everyone had an awesome New Years!