Sunday, February 3, 2008

Is it really Feb??

January flew by after a crazy New Years, a few weeks in Colombia and a great 10 days with Sara. Ok - maybe the beach wasn´t so successful but I could have predicted that! Lots of mosquitos and sunburn for Sara...and a scary fish museum!

Below are some pics of New Years, my adventurous trip to Colombia and some more recent pics. Right now South America is in the midst of party party. In Banos there are lots of people, parades, water balloons, sticky spray. Overall a dangerous time to walk the streets :)

So here are the pics...

Dancing and parading in the streets of Banos during Carnavale

Some sticky spray victims :)

Daytime entertainment during Carnavale in Banos

Beautiful and relaxing thermal springs outside Quito with Sara

Solar clock at a visit to the equator with Sara

Heading back from an amazing day of repelling down waterfall in Banos

Sara and I in our taxi at the beach in Ecuador after an allnight busride

Some of the beautiful landscape on the way back from the Lost City in Colombia

Lovely lodgings :) during the Lost City trek

Trekking across rocks and rivers

The freezing fountain of youth in the Lost City

These steps were all over the Lost City..beautiful but treacherous

Indigenous families we met in the mountains in Colombia

Cooling off in the river

Learning the truly gross ingredients such as gasoline that go into cocaine

First place we stayed overnight during the trek...home of the guide

Midway through Day 1 of the Lost City trek

Driving down into the beach town of Togonga, Colombia...a haven

The walls and canyons of Cartagena, Colombia still protecting the city

Beautiful view of Cotopaxi on the busride from Banos to Quito

Jackie, fellow American, sitting with a couple dolls to be burned at midnight on New Years

New Years in my vampire costume with friends at the bar...yup that´s Elvis

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